April has come to a close....I can't believe it's been 4 months....and what a STRETCHING experience it has been. Wow God has definitely refined me in more areas than I knew I needed, sharpening my character. There's finally green on the ground which is a sign of growth and life again....similar to that which I'm feeling now.
Something I"ve learned about myself is how easily i get caught up in the details and lose sight of the big picture. How do I overcome that, I surround myself with those that see the big picture and can keep picking my head up to see the big picture and not so focused on what's immediately in front of me.
An experience I've encountered the past few months is being the newby in church. WOW...what an experience attending somewhere for 3 months and not a single person talking to me. I even went to a women's event and attempted conversation with people and it was like this wall is put up that I can't get in or something b/c I'm the newbie. I so feel for new people in church and what they must go through. After 2 months of initiating, continually pushing in i've been able to establish somewhat of acquaintances at church...but wow the church needs to step it up. I find non- church goers to be more friendly than those inside the church. They're welcoming, conversational, etc. It really is mind boggling and leaves me frustrated with the church body.
What's even more interesting is how I’ve encountered people who have gone through major life problems and it was someone farthest from living the “church life” that brought light and revelation to someone’s situation – giving them new perspective and break through. It leaves me feeling embarrassed to be associate with the church and wondering why are we so caught up in our own stuff when the very thing Jesus told us to do was to make disciples of all nations. And you can’t make a disciple until you enter into relationship with someone. It’s sad but in a recent conversation with a fellow believer we talked on how much more the muslims have it right in their approach to transforming a culture – they go to the high places to make a ripple effect influence and they know how to make disciples – giving of themselves to teach and pour into the lives of others. My frustration leaves me asking when will the church awaken to this and step out of their "world" and live as Jesus has called us to going beyond a friendly hello and entering into REAL relationships.
Which leads me to another thought -
I’ve also recently learned about living our lives as a catalyst to others. Someone who comes into the mix and is able to add an element to another person/groups life enabling them to launch that person towards their destiny – drawing out the gifting, dreams, etc. in that person. But the vital key to get them there is by seeing & TREATING that person as God does. Seeing them for their potential not who they are in their current state . Jesus demonstrated love & grace and empowered those around him not treated them based off their works or sins. Look at Paul, Peter & Judas' lives and yet they were in relationship with Jesus. When will the church body awaken to this. If this peaks your interest go to itunes and download FREE Kris Vallotton – “Living Synergistically” (or go to his website http://www.kvministries.com/ ).
well I was hoping to share a video but my computer has been acting up all week & after several hours of attempts I've decided to drop that idea. My apologies. But here's a few photos. two of Kamloops Lake the view I see driving to Cache Creek to teach and one at sunset overlooking the view from my neighborhood - you can see the river leading to the lake.
I'm still in need of monthly support so if you've been thinking about it please send it quickly :). Donations can be made to Safe Harbor Church
PO Box 1214
Tustin, Ca 92781
great work!! loved it!!