As my time is ending here in Nashville Tennessee, the Lord is leading me to another great opportunity and Kingdom connection. I have the opportunity to go and work alongside Heather Clark, a Worship Leader and Dancer. She does ministry around the world; both worship leading and running a dance production. She is starting a dance production in her home town where I will have the privilege of working right alongside her – choreographing, teaching, assisting administratively, etc. As I’ve considered this opportunity, I’ve often thought, “Wow, someone I’ve looked so highly upon from a distance is looking forward to having me come and work alongside her as well as live with her.” What an honor, privilege, and growing and learning opportunity this will be; particularly watching how she manages a family w/ 4 kids and full time ministry. My time working alongside her will be Jan 5th- end of June in Kamloops, BC, Canada. I feel this is a kingdom connection that is another vital piece to my puzzle; keeping me aligned and in step with my assignment for the Lord and the advancement of His Kingdom. I plan to be back in California around Dec.17th and head out to Canada around January 1st. There will be a gathering to visit, catch up and here more details of what the Lord is doing in my life - TBA. I’m looking to raise $5,500 to cover all expenses for the next 6 months. If you would like to be a monthly supporter or make a one-time donation, please make payments to Safe Harbor Church.
Your prayers, support & friendship is greatly appreciated and I am honored to have all of you in my life.
Blessings to you,
Jennie Bryant
Tax Deductible
Donations can be made & Sent to:
Safe Harbor Church
PO Box 1214
Tustin, CA 92781
WOW!!! How awesome!!! What a wonderful set up God did. :) Can't wait to see you and talk. Love you Jennie!!!